
International Literacy Day- Call for Participation

International Literacy Day is coming up on 8 September. Celebrated annually within the framework of the United Nations Literacy Decade (2003-2012), International Literacy Day is an opportunity to remind the international community of the status of literacy and adult learning globally. This year, International Literacy Day will focus on the vital relationship between Literacy and Health, which is also the thematic emphasis of the 2007-2008 biennium of the United Nations Literacy Decade (UNLD). This year’s slogan is “Literacy is the best remedy”.

International Literacy Day 2008 is therefore an excellent opportunity to sensitize policymakers and a wider public to the significance of literacy for healthy societies, with a strong emphasis on the prevention of epidemics and communicable diseases such as HIV, tuberculosis and malaria. UNESCO Headquarters in Paris will be organizing a round table on literacy and health on 8 September, with influential speakers from UNAIDS and other constituencies.

On the website (www.unesco.org/education/en/literacy/day) you will also find information on Literacy Prizes awarding projects in Ethiopia, Zambia, South Africa and Brazil.

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